The Alice Biodiversity Database System is a flexible tool set for managing descriptive information about plants and animals.
The Alice Biodiversity Database System is supplied as two systems, one designed for managing information about species, the other for managing information about cultivated plants. Each system is supplied in editions that reflect your use of the system. The present editions are Database Administrator for managing multiple users accessing multiple databases, Database Author for single-author use, and End-User, for those wishing to interrogate and produce outputs from databases supplied by others.
At the heart of the Alice System is a sophisticated database engine incorporating domain knowledge and business rules about latin and vernacular names and all the data types supported by the system.
The system includes tools for web-publication.
To give you confidence that your data belongs and remains accessible to you and to facilitate data sharing with other software tools used by biologists, the tool set can be used to export data in a variety of industry standard formats. Tools are also available for rapid data capture. These tools considerable reduce the time required to collect data from non-digital and digital sources.
The tool set is designed to ensure the data quality of your database.
You decide what information to store.
The basic data types supported in the Alice system are latin and vernacular names, uses, geographical distribution, habitats, structured notes, free text and user defined descriptors.
The Alice system can be configured to support any taxonomic hierarchy.